James Sale

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Contact James

Talk with James Sale and
learn how his passion,
expertise and quest for
excellence can benefit

Europe's leading expert on
the power of motivation
Connect with James: Twitter LinkedIn Facebook
  • The wow factor
    In every talk, James informs, motivates, and entertains, helping you motivate to your next level of performance and achievement.
    James is a rare commodity - a serious speaker who engages the audience at their level, delivering ideas and insights with a wit and humor that is irresistible. With new perspective you can begin to transform your career and your life.
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    James is one of the most inspirational gentlemen I have had the pleasure of hearing speak... he is the true embodiment of 'the glass is half full'.

    Jennifer Gaster, Director at HR Heads
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  • Insight rich writing
    Fluent, powerful with a massive conviction to: motivation and management and spirituality, literature and poetry.
    Read a piece by James Sale and you are instantly immersed in the subtle workings of his mind. He details the real logic of an argument and debunks conventional wisdom. His books, blogs and articles offer a unique, provocative and accessible alternative to bland follow-the-crowd philosophies.
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    The opening lines fool you into a sense of simplicity, like a Matthew Arnold or a Robert Frost, then it hits you that this is something deeply symbolic and meaningful, rich with metaphor...

    Amazon customer
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  • Outstanding diagnostics
    Motivational MapsTM technology gives you a clear picture of your clients or students' motivation and a tailored performance plan.
    Through years of careful observation, analysis and innovation, James developed the Motivational MapsTM approach. This suite of diagnostic tools describes and measure motivation in a way that is uncannily accurate and at the same time instantly meaningful for both consultant/teacher and client/student.
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    This system is fantastic and highly accurate. Understanding your motivators is so very important but we often find it hard to express what they are (even to ourselves).

    Mark Williams, Mr LinkedIn
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  • Business opportunity
    License Motivational Maps technologies and grow your business.
    As a licensee of Motivational Maps, you gain more than just an additional set of products to offer. Working with James' team of Senior and Business Motivational Map practitioners, you get a unique selling proposition for your business, all backed by real, personal support.
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    James is an inspired entrepreneur, brilliant thinker, writer and creator of extremely relevant, transformational people and team development tools.

    Carole Gaskell, Senior Motivational Map Practitioner
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  • Communication styles
    Have you ever felt like you can’t seem to get your message across?
    James believes that the two most important factors for success in your personal life and in your workplace are almost certainly motivation and communication style. His latest diagnostic, the Five Elements model of communication styles will identify your communication style and help you to adjust your approach and become a more successful communicator.
    Demo Image

    It is a clear, easy to understand and follow model, which can be used for the benefit of the team... The 5 elements model is a valuable tool to support leaders with the complexity of leadership.

    Jane Thomas, Premier Life Skills
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